A bee feeds on nectar in an Okanagan orchard. (Richard McGuire photo)
Throughout April, many flowers in Osoyoos break out in bloom. I especially like the blossoms in the orchards because they mean that fresh fruit like cherries, apples, peaches, nectarines, plums and pears are on their way. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A bee feeds on nectar in an Okanagan orchard. (Richard McGuire photo)

Apple blossoms form a canopy over rows in an orchard on the edge of Osoyoos, B.C. © Richard McGuire Photo

A yellow forsythia bush and yellow tulip glow in the sunlight of a spring day on Osoyoos Lake, B.C. © Richard McGuire Photo

A sign of spring is a flowering magnolia tree. These grow easily in the warm climate of Osoyoos, B.C., but don’t do so well in long cold winters of some other parts of Canada. © Richard McGuire Photo