Steve Hohmann of Quesnel is thrown from his horse in the saddle bronc competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)
Rodeo is a rural tradition that’s especially popular in the cattle ranching country of B.C. and Alberta and neighbouring U.S. states. Cowboys and cowgirls compete to show off their skills. The May long weekend is rodeo time in Keremeos, about 40 minutes west of Osoyoos. I went there to photograph the events on a sunny, but scorching hot Sunday. (Richard McGuire photos)

Joe Roberson, of Williams Lake, hangs on as his horse Trickster jumps very high to try to throw him in the saddle bronc competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

Steve Hohmann of Quesnel hangs on tight to Crooked Hillary in the saddle bronc competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

Blaire Smith of Vernon ropes a calf in the tie-down roping event at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

Blaire Smith of Vernon picks up a calf to put it on its back so he can tie its legs in the tie-down roping event at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

Denver Derose of Kamloops hangs on for a rough ride on Taboo during the bareback riding competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

Joe Roberson, of Williams Lake, checks out the view from up high in the saddle bronc competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

It was steers 5, cowboys 0 when none of the competitors managed to score in the steer wrestling at Keremeos Rodeo on Sunday. The cowboy has to slide off his horse and onto the steer as they all run. This guy seemed to have a good chance, but the steer ended up trampling him. (Richard McGuire photo)

Kiley Streeter, of Palisades, WA, ropes a calf in the breakaway roping, a women’s event. The calves get a short head start, and the women follow on horseback. (Richard McGuire photo)

Brandon Louie, of Cawston, BC, tries to hang on a steer rears up to throw him in the junior steer riding competition at Keremeos Rodeo. A fraction of a second later Louie was on the ground. (Richard McGuire photo)

For the half-time entertainment, they pen off an area, put in a bunch of youngsters aged eight and under, then throw live chickens into the pen. The kids that catch a chicken can keep it. I heard one adult ask a girl if she was going to roast her chicken, but she seemed horrified and said she was keeping it as a pet. Then I saw some other children feeding French fries to their chicken. (Richard McGuire photo)

Barrel racing is a woman’s event that follows the intermission and has many competitors. Unfortunately I couldn’t catch all the names when the announcer got carried away in banter and wasn’t clear on who was riding when. (Richard McGuire photo)

Barrel racing is a woman’s event that follows the intermission and has many competitors. Unfortunately I couldn’t catch all the names when the announcer got carried away in banter and wasn’t clear on who was riding when. (Richard McGuire photo)

In team roping, one rider ropes a steer’s head and the other ropes its hind feet. This is the only event where men and women compete equally in the same event. (Richard McGuire photo)

In team roping, one rider ropes a steer’s head and the other ropes its hind feet. This is the only event where men and women compete equally in the same event. (Richard McGuire photo)

Steve Hohmann of Quesnel looks back at the bull that just threw him in the bull riding competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)

Ryan Jasper, of Williams Lake, B.C., slides off the back of a bucking bull in the bull riding competition at Keremeos Elks Rodeo. (Richard McGuire photo)