“Trifocal Perspectives” is an exhibition of my photographs, along with those of Greg Reely and Peter Hovestad, at The Art Gallery Osoyoos throughout April 2019.
I’ve divided my photographs by four themes. “Orchards and Grasslands” features landscapes from the South Okanagan around Osoyoos, B.C.
Orchards and Grasslands:
Here in the South Okanagan and Lower Similkameen, we live in an arid grasslands environment that is unique in Canada. We’ve transformed it from parched earth to lush orchards and vineyards.
There’s always been a tension between protecting portions of this environment in its natural state and the desire to harness the climate and soils for economic purposes. But most agree that what we have is special.
As a photographer, I seek to celebrate what we have here.
Richard McGuire
Click on thumbnails to view as gallery with larger images:

The South Okanagan Grasslands Protected Area and the Sage and Sparrow Conservation Area offer spectacular and ever-changing vistas of this unique grasslands landscape. (Richard McGuire Photo)

The South Okanagan Grasslands Protected Area and the Sage and Sparrow Conservation Area offer spectacular and ever-changing vistas of this unique grasslands landscape. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Autumn in the orchards north of Osoyoos glows golden on a sunny day. Green glass and blue sky add to the palette. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Snow covers the slopes of Mount Kobau as the Okanagan Valley enjoys a sunny day in early December. More and more days are overcast at this time of year and it’s not long until the snow reaches into the valley too. (Richard McGuire photo)

An autumn evening in October descends on the town of Osoyoos and Osoyoos Lake. (Richard McGuire photo)

It’s called Blue Lake, but this lake next to Kruger Mountain Road is very green in colour. It is surrounded by flowering bushes. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Fluffy cumulus clouds roll over the South Okanagan Grasslands, casting moody shadows. (Richard McGuire Photo)

The sun lowers behind an orchard, casting shadows with the gnarly trees in the Similkameen Valley. (Richard McGuire photo)

The mud mineral rings of Spotted Lake west of Osoyoos become more and more dominant later in the summer and fall. The white is minerals — not snow — in this photo taken in early October. (Richard McGuire photo)

Kilpoola Lake is a small lake surrounded by grasslands. On a May weekend, a number of people came to fish for rainbow trout, which the lake is stocked with each year. (Richard McGuire Photo)

In February in the South Okanagan, sometimes the cloudy skies break up to let in sunlight. Spotted Lake, which is sacred to Okanagan First Nations, is already a magic place. This day was especially magic. (Richard McGuire photo)

There was lots of snow at Mount Baldy in mid-October, but it was still autumn, with yellow larches in the valleys below. (Richard McGuire photo)