Richard McGuire offers workshops on photography for people from absolute beginner and up.
Several classes and workshops are offered through the Town of Osoyoos recreation program. Private lessons are also available.
For the Town of Osoyoos programs, please visit their website. Sign-up is at the Sonora Community Centre.
Coming programs include:
See the Town of Osoyoos Leisure Guide and below for courses offered through the Town of Osoyoos.
Going Beyond Automatic Camera Settings
This course is not currently scheduled, but can be offered again if there is interest
This class will teach you how to take control of your camera for more creativity. Taught by Osoyoos photographer Richard McGuire, the program will look at the relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how these affect depth of field and moving subjects. It will look at semi-automatic modes such as aperture priority and shutter priority as well as fully manual — and when to choose each.
NEW – Ten Tips for Great Photography
This course is not currently scheduled, but can be offered again if there is interest
This class will introduce you to some important photography skills and point you in the right direction to learn more. Should you shoot RAW or JPG or both? How do you process image files for more creative results or to correct your pictures? Should you use flash and what’s the best way to use it? How do you photograph action, such as sports? How do you photograph at night? What are the secrets of successful travel photography? Obviously, there’s not enough time in a short class to cover these topics and more in depth, but this class will familiarize you with the concepts and show you where to look to improve your skills. The class is intended for people with DSLR or mirrorless cameras, but people with point-and-shoot or phone cameras may also learn useful skills.
DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras – Absolute Beginners
This course is not currently scheduled, but can be offered again if there is interest
This class is aimed at people who are either brand new to DSLR and mirrorless cameras or are considering purchasing one. Osoyoos photographer Richard McGuire will cover DSLRs and mirrorless cameras generally but will not deal with the unique features of specific cameras makes and models. The class will cover such topics as what these cameras can do, tips for starting out, and how DSLR and mirrorless cameras differ from each other and from cameras such as cellphones and point-and-shoot cameras. We will touch on some of the most commonly used camera settings, composition, light and why some photos turn out badly.
Photography with Ambient Light
This course is not currently scheduled, but can be offered again if there is interest
This class and workshop, taught by Richard McGuire, will discuss different ambient light situations — both natural and artificial — and how photographers can work with them. Ambient light is the light that’s available, over which the photographer has little control — whether it’s the sun or indoor lighting. You’ll be introduced to the different qualities of light such as hard or soft, colour temperature, direction and tools and techniques you can use to control the light. After a classroom session, you’ll have a chance to try out some of the techniques either indoors or outdoors as weather permits, so bring your camera! Space is limited so register early.
Using Photography to Improve Your Paintings
This course is not currently scheduled, but can be offered again if there is interest
This class is aimed at painters who want to use photography as a tool to improve their paintings. It is suitable for those with photographic skills ranging from beginner to intermediate. The class looks at major differences between photography and painting including the limitations of each. Good reference photographs can enable painters to study colour, light, movement and composition of a scene as they put the image to paint in the studio. Though not overly technical, the class will look at basic camera operation as well as composition techniques that often apply to painters and photographers alike. Learning to “see” like a photographer will expand your ability to visualize images you can paint.
Composition: The Art of Beautiful Photography
This course is not currently scheduled, but can be offered again if there is interest
Would you like to go beyond snapshots to produce beautiful photography. There’s more to photography than technical skills — choosing a point of view and composing the picture are the key to a powerful image. This course looks at the “rules of composition” — which are better viewed as guidelines — rules that have evolved over centuries of art based on what is pleasing or interesting in the viewer’s eyes. We’ll also look at when to break those “rules.” This course contains very little technical information and is suited to people with any kind of camera whether it’s a cell phone, point-and-shoot or a top-of-the-line DSLR. Although this course is aimed at photographers, much of the material also pertains to other visual artists including painters.
Please contact Richard McGuire if you are interested any of these courses at other times. If there is enough interest, additional offerings can be arranged.