Osoyoos celebrates Cherry Fiesta/Canada Day 2022 – Part 2

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)

In the afternoon, the Cherry Fiesta/Canada Day events shifted to Gyro Park. Highlights included music performances and dancing, along with a cherry pie eating contest, sack races, three-legged races and more.

This Part 2 collection of photos shows some of those events. Unfortunately, I missed a couple of concerts and the evening fireworks, but these have been well documented by other local photographers.

See also Part 1 – The morning events.

See also Video – Osoyoos dances bhangra

Click on the thumbnails below to see the slide show and use the arrow keys to navigate:

A photographer was a few minutes late getting to cake cutting at the Cherry Fiesta official opening and hundreds of pieces were already gone. Serving were members of Osoyoos Town Council. (Richard McGuire Photo)

I snapped a shot of this festive couple taking a selfie and then they posed for me. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Celebrating Canada Day

I snapped a shot of this festive couple taking a selfie and then they posed for me. (Richard McGuire Photo)

The hot July 1st sun made Gyro Beach a great place to splash around during afternoon Cherry Fiesta events. (Richard McGuire Photo)

The hot July 1st sun made Gyro Beach a great place to splash around during afternoon Cherry Fiesta events. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Students from Dance Oasis performed during the afternoon at Gyro Park. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Students from Dance Oasis performed during the afternoon at Gyro Park. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Students from Dance Oasis performed during the afternoon at Gyro Park. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Under the eagle eyes of judges, competitors race to devour children-size cherry pies. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Older kids claim victory in the cherry pie eating contest. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This man picked up a third-place ribbon in the cherry pie eating contest, but he probably deserved first place for entertaining the crowd. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This man picked up a third-place ribbon in the cherry pie eating contest, but he probably deserved first place for entertaining the crowd. (Richard McGuire Photo)

There weren’t enough contestants in the women’s cherry pie eating contest, so a few men took the empty spots — prompting female grumbling when they won. (Richard McGuire Photo)

It took a few paper towels for these ladies to recover their faces after gorging on cherry pies. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This little girl was on a mission in the sack races at Gyro Park. (Richard McGuire Photo)

These children gained speed by jumping higher in the sack races at Gyro Park. (Richard McGuire Photo)

The girls on the right stepped in rhythm and they aced the three-legged race. (Richard McGuire Photo)

There were a few tumbles as three-legged contestants got tripped up by each others’ legs. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bhangra dancing students from Kelowna performed at Gyro Park during the afternoon. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An enthusiastic audience watched bhangra dancers at Gyro Park before being invited up to join in. (Richard McGuire Photo)


Osoyoos celebrates Cherry Fiesta/Canada Day 2022 – Part 1

A swarm of well-armed kids lets loose with a volley of water on the advancing firefighters in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware, which provided them with barrels of water to reload. (Richard McGuire Photo)

After a gap of two years due to Covid, Cherry Fiesta/Canada Day 2022 celebrations were back in Osoyoos. It seemed there was a pent-up energy waiting to be released, and the weather cooperated.

This was one of my favourite assignments when I worked for the paper between 2012-2018, so it was fun to get out and photograph the action — and a pleasant change from landscape photography.

This gallery is Part 1. The afternoon events will appear later in Part 2. Unfortunately, I was too exhausted to make it to the fireworks, but there’s no shortage of great fireworks photos from other local photographers.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the slide show and use the arrow keys to navigate:

Cherry Fiesta kicks off with the Rotary Club’s pancake breakfast. The Rotarians raise money for community projects. At its peak, the crowd was lined up down the block and onto a side street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Cherry Fiesta kicks off with the Rotary Club’s pancake breakfast. The Rotarians raise money for community projects. At its peak, the crowd was lined up down the block and onto a side street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Cherry Fiesta kicks off with the Rotary Club’s pancake breakfast. The Rotarians raise money for community projects. At its peak, the crowd was lined up down the block and onto a side street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Cherry Fiesta kicks off with the Rotary Club’s pancake breakfast. The Rotarians raise money for community projects. At its peak, the crowd was lined up down the block and onto a side street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Cherry Fiesta kicks off with the Rotary Club’s pancake breakfast. The Rotarians raise money for community projects. At its peak, the crowd was lined up down the block and onto a side street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Frances Sologuk, owner of Osoyoos Home Hardware, was busy cutting cake before the parade to offer to people passing by her store. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Representatives of the Royal Canadian Legion handed out mini flags before the parade. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Members of the Indo-Canadian community in the Osoyoos area gave out samosas and bottles of water for Canada Day. Recipients could donate to the South Okanagan General Hospital. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Members of the Indo-Canadian community in the Osoyoos area gave out samosas and bottles of water for Canada Day. Recipients could donate to the South Okanagan General Hospital. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Members of the Indo-Canadian community in the Osoyoos area gave out samosas and bottles of water for Canada Day. Recipients could donate to the South Okanagan General Hospital. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Members of the Indo-Canadian community in the Osoyoos area gave out samosas and bottles of water for Canada Day. Recipients could donate to the South Okanagan General Hospital. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Children load their water weaponry in preparation for battle against the firefighters. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Many people waved small Canada flags, but not this guy, who attached a big one to a fishing pole. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Children load their water weaponry in preparation for battle against the firefighters. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This boy was wearing Canadian flags on his head, back and fan. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A Mexican sombrero adds a touch of spice to a Canada Day outfit. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Wearing costumes and armed with hoses of all sizes, local firefighters advance on the ‘Water Zone’ to face an army of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Wearing costumes and armed with hoses of all sizes, local firefighters advance on the ‘Water Zone’ to face an army of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Wearing costumes and armed with hoses of all sizes, local firefighters advance on the ‘Water Zone’ to face an army of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Wearing costumes and armed with hoses of all sizes, local firefighters advance on the ‘Water Zone’ to face an army of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Wearing costumes and armed with hoses of all sizes, local firefighters advance on the ‘Water Zone’ to face an army of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Local firefighters engage in battle with swarms of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Local firefighters engage in battle with swarms of kids of all ages. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A swarm of well-armed kids lets loose with a volley of water on the advancing firefighters in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware, which provided them with barrels of water to reload. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Firefighters charge at kids with hoses, or pause for a refreshing drink in the water fight at Osoyoos Home Hardware. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Firefighters charge at kids with hoses, or pause for a refreshing drink in the water fight at Osoyoos Home Hardware. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Firefighters and kids engage in pitched battle on Main Street in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Firefighters and kids engage in pitched battle on Main Street in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Firefighters and kids engage in pitched battle on Main Street in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This firefighter brought out heavy artillery to soak anybody not yet wet. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This firefighter brought out heavy artillery to soak anybody not yet wet. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A swarm of well-armed kids lets loose with a volley of water on the advancing firefighters in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware, which provided them with barrels of water to reload. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A swarm of well-armed kids lets loose with a volley of water on the advancing firefighters in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware, which provided them with barrels of water to reload. (Richard McGuire Photo)

As the fire trucks move on, a few firefighters conduct a mop-up operation on kids and spectators. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A swarm of well-armed kids lets loose with a volley of water on the advancing firefighters in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware, which provided them with barrels of water to reload. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A swarm of well-armed kids lets loose with a volley of water on the advancing firefighters in front of Osoyoos Home Hardware, which provided them with barrels of water to reload. (Richard McGuire Photo)

A couple of “cherries” lead off the parade marking 72 years of Cherry Fiesta in Osoyoos. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Representatives of the Royal Canadian Legion, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and pipers lead off the Cherry Fiesta/Canada Day parade on Main Street Osoyoos. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Bagpipes wailed as pipers march in the Cherry Fiesta parade. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Osoyoos Mayor Sue McKortoff waves at parade watchers as she descends Main Street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Young women wave from the Osoyoos Festival Society’s float in the Cherry Fiesta parade. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Oliver Ambassadors do their well-rehearsed “royal wave” as they ride down Main Street Osoyoos in the Cherry Fiesta parade. (Richard McGuire Photo)

This Kelowna float features Ogopogo, the aquatic monster of Okanagan Lake. (Richard McGuire Photo)

The firefighters were long gone when a gangster fired water from the Tumbleweed Distillery float. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Osoyoos Desert Society president Lee McFadyen waves at parade watchers. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Members of the Indo-Canadian community wave from a tractor in the Cherry Fiesta parade. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Members of the Osoyoos Lake Paddling Club and Desert Spirit guide a giant dragon down Main Street. (Richard McGuire Photo)

With his trademark hat and handlebar moustache, Clint Hawes rides in the Cherry Fiesta Parade. The MC of the Osoyoos Street Dance says there won’t be a dance this year, but he’s hoping for 2023. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Volunteers with the Osoyoos Lake Water Quality Society ride their boat float, releasing giant bubbles. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Rob Tinsley has ridden a 6-ft unicycle for 30 years in Cherry Fiesta parades dressed in clown costume. This year he announced his retirement. Pictured here, he takes a bow as his dedication is acknowledged. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Mickey the Clown marches down Main Street in Osoyoos. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Queen Amrit waves from the Penticton Peachfest float, which promotes the August festival. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Temperatures reached the low 30s — not as hot as some previous Cherry Fiestas — but bottles of water given out from the Kailay float were appreciated by many. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Hundreds of people lined the side of Main Street Osoyoos to watch the Cherry Fiesta/Canada Day parade. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Vince Sam trailed the horses with shovel and wheelbarrow to clean up after them. (Richard McGuire Photo)

Oliver firefighters returned at the end of the parade to soak more parade watchers. (Richard McGuire Photo)