Bands of late afternoon sunlight strike the raging waters of Ashnola River during the May freshet – the time when snowmelt in higher mountains plunges down this creek, swelling its size. The Ashnola is a tributary of the Similkameen River near Keremeos. (© Richard McGuire Photo)
There are still three weeks left to see a selection of some of my landscape photography at the Summer Artisan Market at The Art Gallery Osoyoos. The show, which includes a number of other local artisans and artists, closes on Labour Day.
The gallery is located at 8713 Main Street, Osoyoos, BC — just up the street from town hall — next to the quail sculpture. Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday to Friday. Saturday hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
See more about the gallery’s Summer Artisan Market 2021 at this location.
Spring in the Okanagan-Similkameen
“Spring in the Okanagan-Similkameen” is my own show within the Summer Artisan Market. Due to limited wall space, only a few of these photographs will be shown on the wall framed. Most of the rest should be available at the gallery either as prints or photo greeting cards. Any sales must be handled by The Art Gallery Osoyoos during the show.
These photos were mostly taken this spring in the Osoyoos and Similkameen areas. There are a few others including a photograph on canvas of Osoyoos on a May evening, now on the wall, and other old favourites available as prints and cards.
In landscape photography, I’m drawn by seasons, weather and light — these are constantly changing and they give a landscape character. They also convey a sense of time — of day and of year. It’s a theme in all my landscape photography.
Click on thumbnails to view as gallery with larger images:

The rushing waters of Ashnola River rage down in the May freshet – the time when snowmelt in higher mountains plunges down this creek, swelling its size. The Ashnola is a tributary of the Similkameen River near Keremeos. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Oregon grape grows in the right conditions throughout the South Okanagan and in this case the Similkameen. Botanists call it Mahonia aquifolium. In this view, in mid-May, the yellow flowers contrast with red and green of the leaves. It has holly-like thorny leaves. The yellow flowers will develop into purple berries, which are not true grapes. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Fluffy cumulous clouds and the sinking sun of later afternoon in May light up a rocky ridge. The landscape here is rugged, and the Ashnola River narrows into a canyon. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

The evening sunlight plays with the contoured landscape on the mountains south of the Similkameen River near Cawston and Lower Similkameen Indian Band land. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

In April, the orchards of the South Okanagan bloom with the pink blossoms of cherries and other fruits. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Sprinklers shower a cherry orchard with droplets in the late afternoon sun of April near Osoyoos, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

A band of pink cherry blossoms rises above the highway north of Osoyoos, while white apple blossoms grow above. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

The Red Bridge west of Keremeos was built in 1907 for the Great Northern Railway’s Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern (VV&E) line. Since 1961, it has carried vehicular traffic instead. The bridge underwent restoration in 2005 and in 2019 appeared on a Canadian postage stamp in a series on covered bridges. It is not a true covered bridge as it is open at the top. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

The brittle prickly-pear cactus, or Opuntia fragilis, grows in the South Okanagan. It’s different from other prickly pears, which have a larger blade. These things have long “quills” – the word “spine” doesn’t do it justice – that can’t go through armoured steel, but can puncture almost anything else. (© Richard McGuire Photo)