Ken Helm shows off an early Buick he is reconstructing from parts acquired from many sources. His workshop is filled with various car parts, tools and just about anything else. (© Richard McGuire Photo)
Ken Helm is a friendly, but eccentric man living in Cawston, B.C. who has the largest collection of cars, old buildings and memorabilia I’ve ever seen. On Sunday a group of us from the Penticton Photography Club had a chance to visit his farm and meet him. He’s moved buildings from all over to his farm and they form a virtual village. Workshops, garages and other buildings are packed with car parts and antiques. Down the hill from the “village” is a boneyard containing vehicles from the 1940s, 1950s and earlier. No doubt every photographer got a very different take on it, but all agreed it was a photographer’s paradise. I’ve added a few photos at the end here from a return visit in 2016. (© Richard McGuire photo)

The remains of of an antique car sit outside in their resting place on the farm of collector Ken Helm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

This assortment of parts and tools on one of Ken Helm’s workbenches is typical of what can be found in his workshop. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

This BMW Isetta in one of Ken Helm’s workshops near Cawston was a popular car in Europe in the 1950s following the Suez Crisis because it had excellent fuel economy. You open the front to get in, pulling the steering wheel and dashboard out on the door. It had a motorcycle style engine. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

This enclosed porch is home to a large collection of memorabilia on Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Below a laneway lined with old buildings and down a hill at Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston is a boneyard of old vehicles ranging from early DeSotos, Hudsons, Mercurys and dozens of old Volkswagen Beetles. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Time has stood still in this old Mercury in the boneyard at Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

This classic old Pontiac sits among other 1950s and earlier cars in the boneyard at Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

This classic old Pontiac has bench seats and original components, but the interior is a bit worse for wear. It is among the cars in the boneyard at Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

The remains of of an antique Ford sit outside in their resting place on the farm of collector Ken Helm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

The grille of and old Ford truck tells stories in its peeling paint and rust at the farm of Ken Helm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Ten years ago Tony was passing through Cawston on his way to Australia. Ken Helm invited him to stay and now he fits right in with the collection of old buildings, vehicles and memorabilia, living in an old shop. I first met Tony at a farmers’ market in Kaslo during the summer. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Tony took me up a fruit picking ladder to the rooftop of one of the wooden buildings at Ken Helm’s farm that afforded a nice view of the Savona Garage, one of the buildings on the main street. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

An old car is parked next to the Corona Court Cafe Cabins at Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

An old 1948 license plate gathers rust among vehicle parts at Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Ken Helm gestures as he talks to visitors. He’s now retired, but his impressive collection of old vehicles keeps him busy. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

A classic gas pump still measures in gallons. No doubt fuel was much cheaper when it was working. Now it sits outside one of the buildings on Ken Helm’s farm near Cawston, B.C. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Ken Helm (left) and Tony agreed to pose for a photo next to one of the garages on Ken’s farm near Cawston. Both men would do very well in a beard growing contest. (© Richard McGuire Photo)

Ken Helm returns home with the youngsters and dog in one of his many fixed up cars. (Richard McGuire photo)

The vanes or wings of this Radiometer Space Age Sphere spin as the temperature warms them unevenly. (Richard McGuire photo)